Sensory Workshop - Rain sticks

I made these shapes during my sensory objects workshops series detailed below. My research suggested that sounds from nature were among the most relaxing, but I also found out about bianural beats which are digital sounds which seek to alter our brain waves and have shown to put people in a state of calm or even promote sleep. The most soothing of these waves were known as Delta and Theta and these wave shapes went onto inspire the three forms.

Each produces a different type of sound, inspired by rain sticks, which seek to immitate the white noises in nature.

Ive added videos of each below

1. made of ‘delivery box clay’ filled with lentils - to be painted/coated

2.made of recycled aluminium wire

3 made of discarded fencing and filled with samples from my research

I’d like to develop and refine this idea, I like the idea of my final designs making soothing noises when moved in certain ways.

I really liked the way the wire mesh looked like a 3D drawing ‘mesh’ and almost has looks like an optical illusion. I could imagine this effect being used to create larger sculptural shapes, and maybe being powder coated.


Monday blues - virtual exhibition visit


Pine resin ‘Jesmonite’ testing