Annabel Maguire Artist and Designer

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Found in the Foundry

Tuesday 24th August

Piecing together blue balls

Preparing furniture pieces for painting

smashing out mould in foundry.

I spent some time today on the foundry smashing out some tests id made with aluminium earlier in the term. The idea would be to eventually gather aluminium and recycle it into shapes which I could then turn into mirror. I’ve had more success with using sheet aluminium, and have sadly run out of time to try polishing these pieces. I’m still really glad I tried casting as it as new to me and I found the process fun, although slower / longer paced to what I’m used to and perhaps that suits my way of working. Although I appreciate having to work at a different speed.  I feel sad I couldn’t experiment as much as I’d have liked to this year with the foundry and metal work generally, but hope to cary on in the future. One thing i don’t like is how dusty and dirty you get and because of this I don’t find it soothing or relaxing. It is very satisfying though once your pieces come out!