Rules of Abstraction

Wednesday 24th August

In the afternoon I finalised the harmonious colour combinations of the pieces, inspired by my harmonious colour research and paintings I did earlier in the term and year. I decided that I wanted each piece be a block colour which would make the items easier to style together and give them their own individual identity but also a collective position and puspose. I hoped this rule would bring in a joyful minimalism to what could easily become very over complicated and potentially gaudy. I’d already felt a bit disappointed with some colour choices I’d already made, so I found creating this parameter and using the scale drawing to pre visualise really useful. I felt more relaxed having a set of rules that begins to define the abstraction in my work, giving me parameters to work through like this means I am less likely to get stuck in decision making and am spending more time making in a relaxed ( ie not anxiety driven ) way.


Breathe collection footage


Found in the Foundry