Annabel Maguire Artist and Designer

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Mid Point Review

The feedback that resonated most with me was from Rain and Oscar who suggested I think of my work both collectively and individually, referring to artists like Brancusi and Calder whose work sits in studio and gallery context - individually and together. It really helped me look at the wider picture and not get overly hung up on each individual object, which can easily trip me up. It also gave me ideas about how I might photograph and display my work for the final show.  

Another key point was about how I test my objects and how. My aim would be to get them into peoples hands and gain feedback, as I have been doing throughout. I need to make sure than in these final weeks I still refer back to the input of others.

For the midpoint review I wanted to test out a methodology which combines both intuitive creation and my ongoing soothing research.  I’ve started to unpick what this methodology entails below.

Through the fan residency I really honed in on the ripping of paper which had turned up in my project as both a useful and soothing action for both making my paper pulp, as well as form finding creative act. This was an important realisation for me as i was able to link a soothing part of my practice to the visual part and allow each to perpetuate and inform the other. I felt I was one step closer to being happy with the aesthetic and form finding. which allows me to be free, intuitive and work abstractly - something I’d batttled with throughout.

Methodology in progress / picking it apart

Immersion in nature - taking a long walk and documenting

Colour finding - intuitive and mindful  - making paintings from photos of walks

gather materials and objects -

Form finding collage / co - design  - using ripped paper to create combinations inspired by paintings. invite others in at this stage to create collages.

Revisit soothing research - consider what actions and functions the objects might offer.

Refined collages and scale drawings

Maquettes - test relationships, movement and scale


evaluating and testing ( feedback from others)

Refine  - through maquettes, drawing and making.