Getting Making III

Bridget asked us to choose an object from GM II to inspire the next round of objects. I chose Objects 014 & 015 as they were a pair, and I really liked how they playfully moved, reflected light and turned a 2D plain in to a 3D sculpture. I experimented in both reclaimed plywood and recycled aluminium, diagramming how each object inspired the next, below. I felt that object 019 ended up the most successful. It was able to carry the characteristics I really like in the initial objects, but also offer the most solutions. I was pleased that it moved playfully in a similar way to object 15, but offered a safer and more inviting touch. Object 021 I have would like to push further and see what more can be achieved by hand with aluminium. I liked that I was able to bounce and reflect light - with the water inside and the aluminium - although nothing like as shiny as the mirror, it is recyclable and can be made 3D without Glue or tape.

getting making lighter.jpg

Object 16, 17 &. 20 experiments with slotting. Plywood works well and can be multiplied, aluminium is too soft

Object 021 - Experiments with moulding and holding liquid to create reflections, leaning into a technique that suits aluminium better.

Object 018 - Using the negative space, but it isn’t self supporting

Object 018 - Using the negative space, but it isn’t self supporting

Object 019  -  2D  to 3D, no waste, self supporting, animated

Object 019 - 2D to 3D, no waste, self supporting, animated


Mycelium Magic pt 1


Thinking For Making